Streamline or diversify?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately- is it better to streamline and write only about very specific things or to have a wider repertoire and a larger, more diverse body of work?For instance, I've grown up reading Chicken Soup books and Tinkle and Amar Chitra Kathas and enjoyed them immensely, but I'm possibly fonder of a Kazuo Ishiguro or a Paul Harding. Should my aim then be to restrict myself,try and write only for certain kinds of publications ( out of fear that I might be slotted?) or simply write for anything that does not offend my own sensibilities?These thoughts led to me sharing my concerns with a couple of friends who thought I should diversify.

My aim is to produce writing that not just appeals to me and to a specific audience, but also writing that has mass appeal. And I don't want to try and compromise on a niche piece i.e try writing it in a way so as to have it appeal to a non-specialist reader. I mean, I can live with my pluralism but will people reading my writing get confused? Am I going to appear to be someone with no real focus?

What do you think- streamline or diversify? What are your reasons for each?**

** I have decided to write about anything I feel like (writing about).
