Back in London

So after a much needed break with friends and family, I am back here in London. Unlike the past couple of months, where I've felt completely disoriented and clueless ( and also amazed and wonder-struck), I'm happy to announce that I am wonder-struck still, but less clueless and definitely less upset and feeling less incompetent.

The first couple of months were exceptionally difficult and I found myself questioning the kind of choices that I was making for myself. Everything seemed unfamiliar- the sudden sound of church bells early in the morning, my nameless, faceless neighbours and their Jimi Hendrix renditions at odd hours, not to mention the fact that everyone seemed to be running all the time, busy as hell, with no time to spare.

 Sometimes, there is satisfaction in being part of a collective. At other times, it's satisfying to revel in the stillness of my surroundings. To stare at overcast thick clouds and people's thinly veiled ambitions. To sit in a green park in Sardinia Street and watch it turn white and then grey and finally yellow. To remember how to forget. And then, to just be.
