I can't believe I Still haven't watched the Harry Potter movie. However my incredible smartness, presence of mind and unbelievable intelligence has ensured that I cannot watch the film till I come back home. Which is just as well- I'm totally up for going to South City and watching the film :D
Also, remember all you people, when Life Hands you a lemon...give it to me. I like lemon and ginger tea. And lemons are really expensive here.
I was writing in my journal today and wrote : Must not eat food with fertilizers in them. I re-read it later and thought, perhaps the word I was looking for was preservatives. Ah well, tomatoes Tomahhtoes, what difference does it make?


CheshireCat said…
We will go watch when you come home.And have lemon and ginger tea on Southern Avenue afterwards.
Reeti said…
Awww...finally delurking. I have So much to tell you. Finish your exams! :)
Magically Bored said…
I shall go watch HP7 next week. :D
Try Lemon-Cinnamon Tea. It's lovely. :)
Minka said…
@Reeti and Sohini:Hey guys,could wait till I get back?I'm returning to Cal on 7th December and I plan to go on one long movie-watching spree.The Social Network,HP7,Break ke Baad-I haven't seen any.I feel so culturally deprived.:(
Reeti said…
mrinalini : ekshonge jaabo, I'm back on 21st though, you'll have to wait for me.