I'm determined not to make this a list post ( have you seen the number of list posts I've written for the past few days?), but I also thought that it's important for me to write about my Scottish endeavours. I just couldn't write about things as they were happening because I'd probably just end up writing things like Oh my God everything was so amazing! and sound like a kid at a candy store. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'd like to come across as having a little bit more to say than that, so I'll start off by telling you about the new things I'm interested in ( Anyone out there scanning my blog to try and figure out what to give me on my birthday/ other occasions, this is a shameless hint to you) :
I've begun to love Vinyl Records. My creative writing tutor at the University of Edinburgh, the very lovely and very talented Claire Askew would often talk about Vinyls and I actually went into a music store and conversed with the owner for four hours. If anyone reading this blog knows about a gramophone store/ vinyl store in London, delurk and let me know! I couldn't bring a gramophone back from Edinburgh, but I remember listening to Bob Marley on the old gramophone my grandfather owned, before it went Kaput.
Odd looking earrings
I've always liked earrings but I've tended to wear very muted colours and textures. I prefer brash, bold colours and unusual designs now. I'm not sure if this is a phase or something that will pass. I might even put up pictures of some of my jewellery, If I become good at taking photographs.
I've always been a dog person but now I have two cat friends. I love them very much. Both are black and have green eyes. Moral of the story : don't stereotype when it comes to cats.
Again, the obsession with bright colours. My present headband is green, purple and red. I intend to add to this collection.
Green Eyes
This isn't exactly a new obsession, but one that is becoming more and more pronounced with each passing day.
Independent Poetry Collections and Indie Remixes
Self explanatory
Scottish Literature
Also, I like headbands, but I can't carry them off to save my life. :(