I need a planner and other things

The one thing I've never been good at ( and whined about for god knows how long) has been managing my time. There are all kinds of ways of wasting time and I think I'm very good at most. I wish I could say that I was equally good at not wasting time, but I don't think I could do that without being a blatant liar.

I've been blaming the jetlag for quite a while now. Even my dog, usually quite understanding, is sick of me listening to loud music till 6 am, after which I am so worn out and fatigued that I must sleep. Add to that a degree of panicking and nervousness about various things and I can't sleep till about eight in the morning.

When I groggily step out of bed at around two, I think to myself,  "What the heck, half the day is wasted already, let me just go back to sleep." Sometimes I meet a friend or two, at other times I'm reading a book. The bottomline, though, is that no work gets done.

The bed remains unmade ( ugh!), books are strewn all over the place, I haven't written in two months- That isn't entirely true- I have written, but haven't published in two months and I have enjoyed every single moment of not-writing.

However,  I do feel like writing again and today, I'm working on something that I've wanted to work on for really long. But from my experience in the last two months, I definitely need a planner.

I'm not complaining about my work not getting done- I'll end up scraping it together five minutes before the deadline- but the lack of discipline ensures that I have little or no time left for fun.

I just realised that I've written an entire blogpost about not-writing, but hey, at least it's a start!


Shree said…
'When I groggily step out of bed at around two, I think to myself, "What the heck, half the day is wasted already, let me just go back to sleep."' - :D :D
Unknown said…
Writing on not-writing. Cool. :D