I love my new blog template. It's neat and uncluttered. In meatspace ( at least the speck that I inhabit), there is no physical space at all. my bed is strewn with all kinds of books, three brand new cds, a pendrive,two bottles of perfume that I got for bhai phonta- both very citrusy smells, I might add- I absolutely adore citrus smells, but that's not the point, here see, I'm rambling again- Rudyard Kipling's Kim, A book on Columbia's J-School, The Other Hand, a beautiful bag that ma got me from Cambodia, a notebook with a cat screaming its lungs out saying Anybody Home? Talking about cats, I've come to adore this tiny black and white kitten that I caught stealing milk from the kitchen. I had to shelter it from my over-boisterous dog who was intent on pouncing on it and scratching its eyes out :(

Out of pure sloth, I end this post abruptly :/


Unknown said…
Yes. I like this too.
CheshireCat said…
There's a new,tiny black and white kitten at uni, on the road to Sujitda.It's almost too adorable.