A Bright, Fish Shaped Candle...

I'm not too fond of presents the way some people are but what really touched me last week was a bright fish shaped candle. I was upto my neck in work ( I'm not complaining about it- the work is fabulous and the clip makes it worth it for me), but the more I worked, the more the fish-shaped candle seem to stare at me. There were firecrackers outside and the neighbourhood kids seemed to be having a whale of a time. And then, the bright-fished shaped candle was lit and it stayed right there on my desk- as unintrusive and peaceful as the person who thought of me when the lone, fish shaped candle waited for its turn to be home.

Because Home is everything to an exile :)


Magically Bored said…
Good to see you are blogging again!

Reeti said…
Hey Tuna...thanks!